Saturday, May 05, 2007

The youtube phenomena that is Ysabella Brave

Anyone who reads this blog at all regularly will realise what a great resource I think Youtube is. From the contributions of all its subscribers it is becoming increasingly possible to find that clip from an Australian soap 20 years ago, that news event or that series that finished in 1985. TV and film clips that would have taken months of tracking and therefore were effectively gone for good for most people are now easily located with a few key strokes.

Youtube is also full of numerous obscure personal videos, many of which it has to be said of little interest to a wider audience. However there are a few people of genuine talent I have seen on there and one of those has to be Ysabella Brave. The only thing I don't understand is quite who she is and what she is doing limited to Youtube. She surely deserves to be a conventional star. I think so anyway ! She currently posts an average of at least one video a week. Here is a flavour.

Thank you Ysabella Brave......


Anonymous said...

I agree with your view on the Youtube. It is valuable resource and great entertainment. As far as Ysabela is concerned, I think she is there specifically due to the lack of conventional talent. She is great amateur, good person ‘to talk with’ I suspect. But it is not enough to be a ‘conventional’ star. I would imagine her audience is predominantly male. She definitely plays useful role, but exactly in the suitable media. I feel slightly sorry for her as I am not sure her real life is so colourful and hearty as her ‘scene’ image. I could bet if the girl would find a real love she would entertain the Youtube lonely audience less often .

Luis said...

thank you ж !

I am glad we agree on Youtube at least !

As far as Ysabella is concerned she may not be "conventional" in the 2007 sense of the word but is all the better for that.

She has a voice that many would associate with a different era.

Nonetheless talent she certainly has. Maybe she, like many, sometimes feels lonely but at least the medium of Youtube makes her known to thousands of "fans" across the world.

As I think she says on one of her videos, she was definitely born in the right era because even 10 years ago you could not broadcast to the world in the absence of a recording studio.

I still think her recordings are great especially considering the absence of equipment and facilities accorded to conventional stars !

Anonymous said...

Well, the lighting and the karoke accompaniment tells me she is getting assistance. She just signed a minor contract. Since she works for Yahoo, and solicits for money as well, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see where the money trail is coming from...sweet girl, but reminds me of many an aspiring actress. She's showing the world her resume :)