Post Secret is a very well known site that consists entirely of "secrets" mailed anonymously from all over the world although being US based has an inevitable US weighting.
The secrets range from the bizarre to the tragic, from the horrific to the trivial and come from all types of people in all types of situation.
It seems to be a form of 21st Century confessional at least as far as those sending in secrets generally seem to feel some sort of release from sharing their secret.
There is undoubtedly a voyeuristic element to reading other people's secrets but as they are from unknown people it seems relatively harmless. The appeal of the site comes from the sharing of secrets and realising that a secret is actually not so unique but often a similar issue to one shared by many others.
The above postcard struck my eye as one that summed up the general status of "celebrities" in these times. While many may shrug their shoulders and say "not me" to the idea of being much concerned with the lives and fates of hollywood stars or soap opera actors, I suspect when expanded to its widest definition to include sports stars, tv hosts and even politicians, many more of us are to some extent "guilty" of this secret. Celebrity in its widest definition seems more interesting and more exciting than some of those in our own families. The fact that the cult of celebrity is essentially one lie and this interest will never be reciprocated goes overlooked. This is sad as it is times of trouble that only relatives can and will help.
Thank you to the poster of this secret for reminding us of one of the big lies in everyday life- the lie that celebrities matter and count for anything much.
and why not ?
celebrities are not "real" in any meaningful sense. They are simply constructions by the media and associated industries such as PR, Marketing, etc
celebrities are not "real" in any meaningful sense. They are simply constructions by the media and associated industries such as PR, Marketing, etc
@Luis: thats mean.
they're people too, no matter how much of their bodies are made of plastic, no matter that they sold their souls for fame. they're still human.
and no one likes being degraded.
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